



Friday, January 20, 2017

Passed 40,000 views....

Quite a birthday present....the Blog passed 40,000 views this passed week...

As stated before at smaller numbers.....I'm amazed. This weekend I'll be able to have time to post an image or two. I've been really busy working between Tulsa and Oklahoma City and it keeps me hopping....

Check in on Sunday and I may have something to show you.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

OK...back in line....

I've just made the proper correction.....incredibly glad I caught it when I did. I guess it doesn't matter or seem to that I keep a chronology going in this series but perhaps it will as I travel through it. I really don't know. It just seems to be the right thing to do. It may change as I produce it ....hopefully it will make more sense....once again I just don't know. Getting repetitive........

This my "working office", designed for my comfort and creativity....stereo is generally blaring...
great place for me to be when I'm working with images. Remember to click on the image - it will get bigger...

Check it out...

Not really sure....seem too be on thin ice .........again.........

You know that as you walk down path of life some things can change....even if an original idea was set out only week ago. In the beginning...I started out to produce a series of images of me growing up in recent "manufactured images" for the lack of a better word. I made another one this morning and as I sat down to write about it on my blog I realized that I stepped out of the original dream. I'm too OLD for the image. ORRRR should I say I'm out of sync with the original idea.

Back to the drawing board and maybe I can correct my left turn...............stay tuned....the new image is on the way.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Suddenly ....EXTREMELY busy....

As always the first of the year hits and business ramps up. The blog work will have to take second seat till this weekend which is a bit frustrating. comes first. Check with the blog next Monday and see what has happened....

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Hang loose....

As I mentioned in a past posting I'm working on a new "vision" or series or what ever. Progress has been good with three new images, two of which I think I've shown you. The third will have an added element of video that I'm trying to work out. Maybe by Monday I'll have it ready to's problematic because I've never looked at a "vision" like this. Some technicalities to work through.
Hopefully I'll have something Monday to show you. I'm sure that what I post will be just the beginning because of the natural evolutionary sense of my thinking...


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Speaking of views...

Looking at last months spike in views breaks down to 250 views a day. I find that
absolutely amazing....Thanks. I also noticed that suddenly I seem to have realized that
I pay exceptional notice to windows. Throughout my blog there seems to be an abundance of "window views". With the new series, both images deal with windows....gonna have to figure that out.


Window view

This is the second of the series of self portraits from a long time ago.....maybe not THAT long ago.
The window is like a time machine of sorts faintly looking to the past with my Dad...

I don't know how or why these images are coming together as such but I guess what is...IS.
If you click on the image it should get bigger for a better view....

Monday, January 2, 2017

While walking in the woods....

I went walking in the woods recently just to relax, maybe photograph, maybe just to walk. As a kid in the cultural mecca of the Ozarks, there was't television. At least until the Morrows got one about 1956. Up until then we as kids were expected to entertain ourselves in the neighborhood and not cause any trouble. We always found something to do...

I can remember stories of trees that had human characteristics sort of "woods magic" so to speak.
Having a pasture behind the house gave me ample territory to explore as well as the field between the Dead End on Euclid where I lived and River street to the east. There were ample hedge apple trees, a few walnut trees that undoubtedly were the the children from the giant walnut trees on the east side of our house. There were animals to spot being made out of clouds then changing into something else, a constant magic show. Now you see it, now you don't. Ok Kid..Did ya see the pig ?? How about the horse ??  Time passed and the parade went on.

The tress especially in the fall and winter took on human proportions, flailing arms, twisted torsos. Occasionally a face showed up. Just a bit unnerving but a part of life. In the fall the trees slept as their spirits took off with the birds and went south. If you were quiet enough you could find one, sleeping

unknowing that he had been seen.....

Sunday, January 1, 2017

I'm starting a new series...

I've decided to start a new series as a personal photographic challenge. Being the guy on the other side of the camera I'm very seldom in photographs although I have produced thousands over the last
44 years for clients. I'm going to be using images from my childhood up to the present as inclusions in some images. These "selfs" won't be in everything I post on my blog but will show up on occasion and can be spotted with a bit of effort. I think it will be fun. The image below is the first in the on the image and it will let you make it get larger.