



Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Thinking of others in the strange times we're in...

Like everyone else we have been spending time concerning updates on the Corona Virus, My wife came up with an amazing stroke of Genius !!!  She spoke with the president of our neighborhood association and suggested that our subdivision be broken up into areas that were basically straight lines, ask a volunteer from each area to be responsible for picking up curbside boxes, bags or crates of food the homeowner wished to donate, and the volunteer  to drive the load to the Tulsa Food bank.


All told we delivered almost 600 pounds of staple foods and canned goods! You never know where your situation will be in these unsettled times. If you can do the same collection and delivery in your area please try to do the same thing. No business or community is like it was 6 months ago....we are all in this together. Try to help someone else.

One of the area collection carts

The back of our car..

The collectors and the food just our group delivered to the Food Bank

Friday, April 10, 2020

Covid time in Tulsa

It looks as though the virus has come to roost in Oklahoma. There are reports in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and random towns throughout the state. There has not been a total shelter in place decree from our Governor who seems to be oblivious to the situation but people seem to be taking the situation in hand. There is not traffic to speak of on the main roads through town and people are staying close to home. I've been doing nothing but yard work the past few days as the weather has been really exceptional. The garden is in and the tomatoes are growing well. I started several varieties from seed and was disappointed to see no results. No patience ! They have finally sprouted and will be late producing which is good.  By the time my first grown plants stop these will be beginning to produce.
A perfect addition to our Fall menus.

Many of my commercial accounts have been closed due to the situation so I will have to get creative in my sales approach. I can see that the main drive will be online sales of pictorials that I have amassed over the years. I'll keep you posted. Stay in your own domain-make do with what you have and take the free time to be creative. You may uncover new talents. Be safe.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remembering the song...

It occurred to me that the old standby of the early "60's anti war movement "Where have all the Flowers gone........fits the times today. The virus seems to be all consuming as it travels around the world with confusion everywhere. Some world leaders who at first refused to acknowledge it have finally sobered up to realize that this is a Pandemic that is pretty much uncontrollable unless explicit guidelines are followed. Families will be decimated if rules aren't followed and simple behavior respected. Be glad to be home and if you are lucky enough to have  a yard to tend to now is the time to excel in its care. 

My gardens are planted, watered and the lawn mowed. My wife and I are playing Rummykube almost everyday and she has become the internet Guru of her sunday school class, the net Hero. She has almost all of them on Zoom for chats, discussions, and just checking up on each other.  Something I probably couldn't have done. Remember to call your neighbors and friends, keep in touch, and be safe.