



Sunday, January 31, 2021

Stay tuned...New images are on the way....

 I took delivery on some new equipment that I ordered last week and it should make the creating of images mush easier. I won't say as yet what it is but it will end the frustration that I have had photographing one particular type of imagery. What took a lot of time in the past due to the difficulty of focus I was having should be cleared up. Stay tuned....more images coming soon !!!!

Friday, January 1, 2021

A Startling new discovery !!!!!!!

 I was just writing to an old, or should I say former, High School Classmate, Dan Koch, who dropped me and several other classmates a Merry Christmas note and I scanned back over the almost 500 entries to my blog. I was amazed that I've been posting on the blog for over 10 years ! I had no idea I've been at it for so long.

I started the blog mainly as a vehicle to display my work and speak of a career that I love. I have had so many unexpected opportunities to travel, photograph, meet heads of state, go into areas of great danger and survive, see manufacturing processes that are unbelievable from start of finish within the processes.....what a kick in the pants, I'm a very lucky guy. Within this journey I met the love of my life, my wife Karen, who has stood by me through thick and thin, believing in me and also giving me the reason to try to be the best guy I can be. She is absolutely fabulous......

Many of my accounts have stretched over the decades, some in the medical areas, some in manufacturing, some in advertising, and some in personal image creation. Much of my business has come from my point to point advertising, and other parts from reputation, and some from just blind luck by asking the right questions to the right people at the right time. 

Photography is really a puzzle game. Questions to be asked are basically 1. What do you want to say, and 2. How do I get there. It is not a matter of buying a $ 5000. dollar camera and proclaiming "Now I am one", it actually takes a great amount of study, experience and most importantly understanding the relationship between Light, Shutter speed, F stops and how that all interact with the mechanics of a camera and film or a digital file, to achieve an intended result. It's not Jr. High....

With the new Year will come new challenges and I am fortunate to start it off with an assignment from one of my commercial clients in the first week of 2021. I really feel as though we will continue to prosper creating images for my past and new clients and it will be a great year for everyone.