



Friday, April 23, 2021

Toooo mate o or big red fruit.....

 Ok a great source for a very large selection of tomatos that you have never heard of or seen. They give a touch of weirdness to a mundane garden and taste great. The source is Tomatofest and they are on the net at Great catalog to read in spare moments....

Plant away !!!!!!! I planted Argentina, African Queen, Ace 55 and Amish Red. Going to have a bunch to eat around July and last year my vines produced into November.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Checking in...

 Well to fill you in, my hothouse for the tomatoes seeds has been built and I have plants growing. It will be a couple of more weeks before I set them out as I really need to do a bit more work on my raised beds. I put out four different varieties ranging in. color from deep red to black and have a couple of striped ones included. Why grow normal tomatoes. I bought these from a new supplier and of course they are heirloom seeds. 

Scheduled to rain today and stay mild and next week I'll start "hardening" them by exposing them to more straight daylight so they will survive the sun. If I transplanted them without doings they would burn up in the hard light. Being pretty cheap I planted all the seeds in the packs so I don't think I'll be suffering from a tomato shortage. 

I have booked a new client that is an expert tile layer and you should look forward too some shots of tiled floors and walls soon. This guy is a true pro in the business. Must just go now I'll try to check in tomorrow....

Friday, April 16, 2021

Finally Spring..

 It seemed to be a long winter as all I did was work. Several weeks ago I built a hot house out of PVC to start my tomatoe seeds in and amazingly enough they are thriving. Next week I'll fire up my cultivator and get them in the ground. I have four different varieties that range in color from red to purple to black. It should be an interesting summer !

I have a commercial job coming up that I'm looking forward to involving exterior shots of a commercial establishment. It will be fun and I have a new concept for an additional image that I will share with you after I produce it. I also have picked up several commercial assignments from a tile layer that will cover bathrooms and kitchens and perhaps a few entryways and patios. I'll keep you posted.

It is always a question concerning my Bonsia trees that I have been growing for years. My oldest, about forty years old, may have given up the ghost this winter. But I do keep the faith as I have seen plants-trees bloom out with leaves after being seemingly dead. Our wisteria always is slow to bloom but it is doing well this spring.The moss I have growing in the Bonsia pots are finally taking over the rocks.

As soon as the trees leaf out some more I'll include them in a post.