It seemed to be a long winter as all I did was work. Several weeks ago I built a hot house out of PVC to start my tomatoe seeds in and amazingly enough they are thriving. Next week I'll fire up my cultivator and get them in the ground. I have four different varieties that range in color from red to purple to black. It should be an interesting summer !
I have a commercial job coming up that I'm looking forward to involving exterior shots of a commercial establishment. It will be fun and I have a new concept for an additional image that I will share with you after I produce it. I also have picked up several commercial assignments from a tile layer that will cover bathrooms and kitchens and perhaps a few entryways and patios. I'll keep you posted.
It is always a question concerning my Bonsia trees that I have been growing for years. My oldest, about forty years old, may have given up the ghost this winter. But I do keep the faith as I have seen plants-trees bloom out with leaves after being seemingly dead. Our wisteria always is slow to bloom but it is doing well this spring.The moss I have growing in the Bonsia pots are finally taking over the rocks.
As soon as the trees leaf out some more I'll include them in a post.