



Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Some Back ground......

 As a few of you know I went in for back surgery a week ago last Tuesday. It seems as though the 4000 pounds of river rock I moved - one bag at a time, may work for someone who is younger than 68. It has taken some time to catch up with me but “The Eagle has landed “............on vertebra three, four, and five.

To sort it out I’ve had one failed attempt to clean out the vertebra, another exploratory slice by another Doctor, so he would have a great feel for what’s gone south on the Boy Wonders back, which led him to the conclusion that I need fusion of the vertebra to get them where they were not the problem. That was accomplished in the latest surgery sooooooo......a minimum of 6 weeks off of work, Pills to take, and rest, but when up I MUST wear a back brace and not lift anything for over thirteen pounds for 6 weeks.

Part of the recovery process demands that I walk solidly beginning set with of 8 minutes, add 2 the next day and continue the drill for for the rest of recovery. Getting up to around a thirty minute total time. I have no idea how many of you have seen the wagon tracks out of Missouri going to the west coast in covered wagons, Our living room will soon have the Morgan Trail...........thanks to my walker.  Head ‘em out...... move em on...

I was lucky enough to get in quickly -overnight in the clinic- then return to Watershipdown Down to recovery and the creation of the Morgan Trail. As the song says...It’s gonna be alright Mama !!! An unfortunate thing about the matter is that I can no longer look forward to Climbing Mt. Everest, Ski patrol membership is down the tubes and my Speedo modeling career is over.........Long vertical scar like looking at the Grand Canyon from overhead.....

I would have pasted some pictures but when I first took the bandages off my back it looked as though it had been the wall in the Saturday Night bar brawl/knife fight. Not pretty. It feels as though I have a brick located low in my back and it is just sitting there. Walking is a challenge as my right leg is weak and my left thigh muscle is sore. However.......IT SHORE FEELS GREAT TO LAY FLAT ON THE BED !!