



Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Finally back to work....

Well I guess I am a lucky guy...My right hip is functioning well and the pain, which has been remarkable, has gone away. It's time to get back to work. I've been more or less incapacitated since February with my hips going south and now that they have both been replaced I'm off and running....with a slight wobble. I'm going to see my doctor today for the last time as a final check up in my progress and open again to accept assignments this Friday. I anticipate my having to reacquaint myself with my commercial clients as I have been somewhat invisible for almost 9 months. It will be great to be back to work!  

In my last post I spoke of "Color field " Imagery and promised some examples. Here they are...The top image is 80 Inches by 60inches. Wall decor is the main use for these images but there are many other uses in the print industry.

These images lend themselves to any view, vertical OR horizonal.

This second image is still looking for a commercial home but I'm sure a final sale is soon to come.
these images may be sold as any size and used in wall decor in offices or home.

I have many images that run along this line and although it is somewhat of an "exclusive" audience....If ya don't got 'em ya can't sell them.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Getting around

 It’s hard to believe but it has been 12 months since I started having to start recovery from two hip surgeries after a back surgery. It’s been a really long road that I have never traveled before. To quote the Fab Four it’s been a long and winding road. I have graduated to a cane and hopefully soon will get along without that. It is fairly obvious to all that have been following me over the years that my postings have lacked any significant new commercial work over this time. To put it bluntly - there hasn’t been any. Hopefully that will change in the next few months. I am in physical therapy for a couple of more sessions and after I give up the cane and can lift the camera case I’ll be on a roll again.

I loved my work as each assignment was a new challenge as no two were alike. To be back in the arena will be exciting for me and I have really missed it. As I have mentioned before my work is not so much physical as it is mental. The act of “seeing” is primary to each assignment complemented with the perceived outcome and implicit message of each image. Being away from the camera for a year has surprised me to some extent-I need to get familiar with it again. The process of the technical is the rusty part it seems. Looks like I need to be out shooting some “Color Field” stuff to get used to it again. 

“Color Field” imagery is simply the recognition of color and how it relates to it’s surroundings. The subject matter can be just the colors relating to each other or colored “objects” and their interaction. I enjoy this as I really can’t create color as I primarily worked with greys, browns, and blacks when I was in printmaking at the start of  my studies at SMS as a printmaking major. When I’m shooting Color Field I look for the color and the composition to solidify the image. Junk yards are a great place to look for the imagery. Old buildings, pavement, walls, signage, the list is endless as to where to find the stuff. Stay tuned as finial some images are on the way.