



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas !!!

What a wild time of year for our studio. As in the past, Christmas is the last really big event till the wedding season starts in April and May. We are already however speaking with prospective Brides for dates early in 2012. It just keeps getting necessary to book your wedding further out from the date of the wedding.

Saturday I have two large booking with a couple of organizations that should be fun and create a buzz from my new clients. I will be photographing Santa with individuals from a very large group of people at a local site that has a historically large turnout. It will really be a kick and full of surprises. You just never know two things, how the small kids will react and how the background will be received.

Having been behind the camera in many instances with Santa from Rotary's to other civic organizations, I have seen kids that you had to pry Santa away from, to kids that were terrified. You just never know until they are close to meeting him. My backgrounds are really different from most that you see. I generally shy away from the Trees and presents of the expected real reason, just that I like to simplify the view so to speak. I'll include a picture Monday in the Blog.

My next assignment is to be photographing a number of girls that are interested in media and the production of it for ad agencies. I will bet that for many of them this will be the first time they will have ever been in a photographic studio. It should be a real hoot and open up a whole field of questions. I'm really looking forward to both jobs, it will be a fun weekend.

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