



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Referencing LIGHT !!....

Yesterday and today I've been in class concerning new software to increase the efficiency of my working time on images. It is amazing what changes have occurred in software in just the last year. I am shooting with the premier camera Nikon offers, the D3, and when shooting in the RAW format my ability to capture the perfect exposure is enhanced. Proper exposure is the key, but there are times when that exposure is affected by outside forces. Ambient light is of course the "fill" and the trick is to find the "main" in your image capture area. It is almost inevitable that some tweeking will need to be done. Seeing the light and understanding its' properties is the basic starting point.

I find it remarkable that many of the "New Photographers" have no clue as to the proper use of and reasoning for the light patterns that have been in the artists mind since the 1300's. These "patterns " define the planes of the face and give it structure, mood, and style. Until you can "see the light" a photographer is fighting an up hill battle. It really hit me like a ton of bricks when I first saw, and understood, light. As I have always said, photography is an exercise in solving problems. Knowing light, how it reacts to facial planes, its' seasonal color temperature, and how it is affected by it's surroundings is always a problem to be solved. I love my job !!!!

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