



Friday, April 8, 2011

The Carthage Missouri Video.

This video was written and produced my me in the late 90's to market Carthage. It took a year to produce as all of the seasons needed to be in the production. Carthage is an amazing city with potential to be a VERY unique tourist destination. The Victorian flare, the friendly population, the unique stores and events, are calling out to be seen by the rest of America. I would like to produce an update and generate more interest in the town.

I had this copied from a VHS and it is NOT HD as any update would be. This was the high end on technology at the time. Don Decker narrated the presentation and Sam Platt handled the production on the sound in his studio. Joe Leiter, another amazing Carthagenian, played the guitar. On the tail end of the production the narration takes a hit for some unknown reason on this copy. It should have trailed off into silence.  I hope you enjoy it.

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