



Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Coffee Table BOOK-Reserve NOW !!

Over the span of my career I have photographed almost everything you can think of. My sensitivities toward light, color, shape, and design have been sharpened through the experience. When film was the only resource I would limit the number of exposures I could take on an "expedition" to keep it interesting. I further limited myself by shooting in 4 x 5 inch sheet film and lugging my view camera around. I would only take out 6 sheets and generally came back with 4 being exposed. It was really expensive to process and print so I had to be really selective and right on with my exposures. It was fun and I have some remarkable images.

I was in Washington State recently with my wife Karen and we took a "walk" to "Pony Bridge". Making a really long story short, it was a rugged hike but the scenery was fabulous. I have decided to publish a coffee table book with my favorite images in it from the excursion. The books will measure 12.5" x 10" and hold 20 pages - 40 sides. I will start editing tonight and by Monday should have all of the images placed in the book. Because I am able to design the placement of the images with in the book, the vision and style in it will be totally mine. I am really looking forward to the publishing of the book and the cost will be $ 168.85 inclusive of tax and shipping. I am presently taking pre-orders now. Should you wish place an order please call me at 918-760-1575. The trip was exceptional and imagery amazing. This edition will be strictly limited to 50 copies and this is the first of several that are in the planning stage. The print to the right is from the trek and the contrast between the submerged log and the leaves with the reflections off the water caught my eye.

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