



Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An old promise upheld..............

Sometime in 1988 I was flying back from a commercial job and struck up a conversation with a young lady sitting beside me. The small talk lead "to have you done much traveling ? ", and I started to tell her of my China adventures a year earlier. I told her of Joe Young, the man I met from Saskatoon Canada, that I had become friends with. He had been to Carthage with his wife and I had been to Saskatoon a couple of times. I mentioned that we were planning to go to Tibet the following year and her eyes lit up. Reaching into her purse she handed me a plastic box. I asked her what this was all about and she replied, " Please place this Black Star Sapphire on the highest point of the mountain you get to. " I said I would. As fate would have it we never made the trip.

Honestly speaking this has bothered me for years. Just one of those things that would occasionally pop up screaming "I'm still in the cupboard-I need a mountain." Last night we were having a family dinner with one of our daughters family and associated relatives because Kelly, one of my grand daughters, graduates tonight from Holland Hall. She and I are a lot alike, pretty private, motivated and somewhat fearless. I have always danced to a different drummer as has she. I remembered the Black Sapphire !!! Tonight I will give it to her to place on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. She and her Dad are climbing it together this summer.

Today she turns 18 and is preparing for the event of a lifetime. I spent my Senior summer traveling in Europe and it had an amazing effect on my life. It confirmed in me the belief that I could do anything I wanted to, as this trip will for her. Her vision of climbing a world renowned mountain with her father has got to be absolutely an amazing experience for both of them. Go get em Kelly.....pick the spot for the jewel and remember it and the experience of the trip forever.

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