Browsing through the Carterville shoot I found a visual statement that may reflect the image of many small towns. This is obviously a second hand store/thrift shop/flea market. Many of the small towns are feeling the loss of jobs, anchor businesses, and old long standing businesses are passing on to greener pastures or just failing entirely. It's sad from the standpoint that the quality of life in the small towns is generally good with neighbors knowing neighbors, and several moms looking after the "kids in the neighborhood. But the jobs that sustained these people have either disappeared or moved to a larger population area. The hit that Carthage took when WalMart came was almost devastating to the Carthage square. The stores I grew up with, Western Auto, Otasco, Scotts, Kresge, Millers Clothing, The Fox and Roxy theaters, Lees and Doc Bakers News, The Hobby Shop, Killingsworth and VanPerks Ladies shops, Edmonsons, Belks, The C&W Cafe, College and The Carthage Pharmacies, Bank of Carthage, Central National Bank, Charles Cook Attorney, Murray Duncan Drug, and several other business have vanished. The square has some businesses, a few are doing well but the complexion of the economy has drastically changed. It seems as though opportunities exist in the town but it will take a true effort to revive it to it's past business activity.

Looking at this images I'm captured by the expanded view of the surroundings both inside and outside the storefront. The street is almost vacant but there is still the hope of potential business with the lighted OPEN sign. Click on the image and it will enlarge....