I was in my bank a couple of weeks ago and the Vice-President mentioned that she was needing "Head Shots" of some of her staff., and asked me if I did them. Of course I answered to the affirmative and she asked If I could set up a studio in the bank and once again,,,,sure !! We were initially speaking of doing them next week and she would call me for the date and time of set up. I didn't get the call and I called the bank and I got a new employee. She doesn't work here...came the reply. As it turns out she covers two bank locations and. was at the other bank when I called. We spoke today and it is set up for next month.
I gave her several options one included retouching which I highly recommend because it gives the portrait a more professional look. She agreed so I was elated. There is nothing more unprofessional than having an employees' portrait on display without retouching. I really looking forward to this assignment as there are several branches here of that bank so this project could grow.
Last week I approached two companies that are new businesses here about their photographic needs but have heard nothing yet....it generally takes three try's to succeed. I'll keep you posted !!!
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