



Thursday, December 24, 2015

Long time gone-back with new knee and hip......

The Summer of replacement....right knee in July, left hip in November. Fast summer, memory erasing drugs and not too much least I don't remember it. Needless to say the photographic assignments took a hit but only temporarily. I'm back in the saddle and just sold to a hospital 7 prints for their lobby of western Oklahoma. I also spent some bucks on a new camera that delivers 37 megapixels of image for outstanding clarity, color balance, and enlargement capabilities. Rocking' and rollin'.

The images were sort of a "seek and find" variety. I knew what the designer needed and all I had to do was find the shots. Karen and I took off in Pearl, our Honda, to start the search. Oklahoma is an outstanding state for variety of landscapes and locations. We had a ball driving and exploring the western parts of the state. I edited the images when we got back, met with the designer, and the deal was struck. He needed 7 images, I showed him 8................and he loved the 7 he took. He told me that  evidently I read his mind.

                           The above image is of the Salt flats that are several miles long and wide.

This lonesome old truck was parked in a field beside the road. As I was photographing it a guy stopped too tell me that it was a "48" International and had been in the field for over 20 years.

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