



Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hard rain gonna fall.....for days

So many songs, great songs in fact, have been written about the rain. The first that comes to mind is Bob Dylans " A Hard Rains Gonna Fall, "followed up by Jose Feliciano's,"  Listen to the Falling Rain", and then tremendous thunder storms that I loved as a child. Middle of the night booms followed by brilliant flashes of light. I was always amazed. My Grandfather Speer told me that the thunder was the sound of Trolls throwing bowling balls down the alleys and the lightning announced the strikes. As a kid I wondered what it would be like living on top of a cloud and what the bowling alleys looked like. Always a concern as I looked up, and wondering what it would be like to see earth from above, was the question of how thick the cloud must be before you would fall through. I also surmised that although I thought of space as black, the world was covered by white clouds that turned the black into blue. I really felt sorry, although I did admire jet pilots, ( Buck Rogers ), watching the jet trails across one horizon to the other, eventually crashing as I had never seen one land.

The thoughts of a kids' reality in the 50's. Surprised that I made it through childhood.

Talking of clouds and flying, Superman on TV was a big deal. It's a bird !!! It's a plane !!! It's SUPERMAN. I remember one afternoon I figured if he could fly so could I. It had to be the suit he wore. I found a pair of longjohns and put them on. Then a pair of Jockey shorts so I had a super suit almost like his, and safety penned a towel to the shoulders on the top of the longjohns, I was Euclids Superboy. I tried to jump a couple of times and nothing happened. Our 56 Ford was parked in front of the house and I just figured I needed a head start to get into the skyway like SUPERMAN. Climbing on top of the fender on the passenger side I took the leaf of faith !!! I flew for less than the time it takes to realize I couldn't fly, and knocked all the wind out of me. I knew I was going to die......then I got my wind back, looked around, and slowly walked back to get in regular clothes before anyone saw me as an earthbound superboy. I never tried to fly again....

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Just a couple of images from the backyard. We added some river pebbles to the west walkway to prevent the soil from eroding. As I mentioned in a couple of past entries my tomatoes luck is fantastic. These are the Cosmic tomatoes I have mentioned before. They are cherry size and varied in color from black to yellow, orange blue and black. The really taste great and can be eaten like popcorn-by the hand full. A truly great find 1!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dog days...

It's hot here in Tulsa on everything is slowing to a crawl. Our governor Kevin Stitt, who has been somewhat of a skeptic to the Covid situation, and refused to close down anything state wide has come down with the Covid problem. It will be interesting to see if he changes his tune. Masking is vital to staying free form the disease however being at home is the best.

Please stay safe and watch what you as usual is too short.....preserve your health.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


This morning I went out on the  deck to water and was shocked as I happened upon what was an untouched crime scene. White, one of our caged birds, had been attacked sometime in the darkness of night.

I immediately noticed that she was missing from the cage and then saw her feet and a tail feather
    which had been discarded due to obviously no interest.

Further investigation led to the discovery of her remains.....

It is obvious that the culprit, the fiend, had a good part of her anatomy for a late snack.
All I can say is that I hope it has a great time trying to digest her styrofoam body.

Rest In peace White, and sing on for eternity......

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cosmic tomatoes...

I was a bit surprised at the size of the tomatoes I chose to least one variety, The Cosmic set....

I expected large tomatoes like I had was a kid but these came out like cherry tomatoes.....disappointed
till I tasted them. They are fantastic ! We've been taking them off the vine in multitudes as they grow on one stem with a general count of 6 per stem. yum....yummmm..

I have several different types taking off and I'll follow up with a review when I get them in my on the picture to make it bigger...