



Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snow again...

 More snow.....a total of around 8/9 inches are on the ground.... I did however have a spark of "genius" by using my leaf blower to remove it. Faster than shoveling and much easier on the back. It is now safe to go out of the house and get in the car. Works really well on the cars however I wish it would wash them at the same time....may have to work on that. 

I have several commercial accounts lined up for shoots as soon as the snow leaves and life can get back to normal.....what ever that is. Karen and I are getting our second covid shots soon so that will make us feel a bit better when the process is completed. I have a bit f concern for the Koi pond as it is iced over....can't really check on the fish. This time of year they hibernate laying low on the bottom and not moving. I did take out one of the goldfish that had expired a week or so ago....must have been old age as the bubblers were working.  I'll keep you posted.....stay safe !!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The weather won...................

 Great thoughts of getting out and grabbing some shots with the light and snow...........thoughts were just thoughts ! I have never been in such cold as what is gripping Oklahoma now. If you are talking the words fall frozen out of your mouth and become a trip hazard. We had some snow, about 6 to 8 inches, depending on where you live but it was light and I was able to clean off the walkway and around the car with a leaf blower. Which is a glimmer of genius if I may say so. I have had to shovel the words though as I was in a heavy conversation with myself...No lifting of shovels of snow just the heavy conversation !  Turn on the blower and direct the snow where you want it to go and shovel up the frozen scraps of ideas and you're done in no time. 

We always feed the birds in the winter and this year is vitally important. Over the past several years we have had a pair of doves roost and nest on top of one of out tool sheds on the patio and have their kids. It's been great fun as they sort of get used to us and don't fly off when we come out in the spring. This year I have seen bluebirds in the feeder and I am surprised as I didn't think they were around in the winter. We have also had a multitude of robins this year. I walked out on the deck several days ago and a squadron of Robins appeared over our neighbors to the south, flying in formation directly toward me. There must haver been 30 of them. I dashed for the never know what a Robin is thinking's....

The pond and waterfall have frozen over and I have investigated the water under the ice and it is flowing. The main concern with that is that the falls and two bubblers are the only supply to the fish for air. No fish....Being basically homebound all I have been able to photograph is the bird feeder and the Aviary Grill. Here are a couple of shots....


 They look as cold as I feel.....................

Friday, February 12, 2021

Driving around before the impending Blizzard......

 According to almost all weathermen in the area we are about to get 10 to 15 inches of snow dropped on our heads in the next couple of days. I was out earlier this morning and figure that after going to the market I need to take some images of the outdoors as I will probably be snowed in till next  Wednesday.

I have a couple of ideas in mind as to what I'll start shooting but that is subject change as I wade through the process. Stay posted and we'll see what might be exciting.....

Over 100,000 as of tomorrow !!! Sooooooooooo Close !!!! Factors out to 10,000 views a year......

amazing !!!!!!!!  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Orchids as Promised...

Sorry it's taken so long to get these on the blog but I have been very busy with different assignments. We have had this orchid for a number of years and this is the block buster blooming year so far. I hope to get some really close ups onion the next couple of days as time alots.