



Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tomatoes pulled fertilizer soon to follow

Last summer was not a tomato year. I was more than unhappy to report that I had very few tomatoes but after talking with other tomatoeheads I found I was not alone. Everyone had a disappointing year. I guess that's the way the tomatoes falls. I pulled the plants yesterday and stored the trellises and will put some new fertilizer in the beds. I am amazed at how small the root ball is on the plants. The plants were about 6 feet tall and had a root ball the size of my fist,,,I don't know if this is normal and if it affects the number of tomatoes on the plants. Time to ask questions I guess.

The lawn needs one more cutting for the year and I'll cut it short. Presently the blades are three inches long as the root length is determined by the blade length of the grass, I cut it to about an inch in the fall to let the grass rest during the winter. Glad to have that almost out of the way.

I've started physical therapy for my right hip and I have several more appointments. It may do some good loosening up things time will tell. I will probably go out and shoot for myself as I haven't been out because of my back and hips. I really need to reacquaint myself with the workings of my Nikon. I really feel rusty. The plants on th deck are starting to signal that fall is on the way as I don't need to water as much and they appear OK. The heat that was their nemesis is gone so water is not quite as important in the volumes it was. Nikon is calling ....I'll check back soon hopefully with pictures....

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