



Monday, September 12, 2016

Fast Summer....Fall's on the way...A continuing story...

Honestly I can't say where summer has gone. I've been very busy with the business but aside from that....where was summer ? Got the Koi pond in shape for the pond tour, did a bit of traveling, completed a very large job for the Sigma Nu house at Oklahoma University,  completed several other commercial jobs, purchased a new virtual reality camera that delivers an immersion tour of properties for the Real Estate industry, have been getting images from that mastered....where was summer ?

As mentioned in a previous post my granddaughter Kelly and her Dad climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa at the first of the summer. In the previous post I told you about the story of the black sapphire I received from a lady on a plane I was on, coming from a commercial job out east. To make a long story short, I gave the stone to Kelly and told her to put it on the highest point they reach on the mountain. When I got the stone I had plans of going to Tibet with a friend of mine from Canada, but he passed away before we had the opportunity, I was going to drop it there. Instead Kelly left it on Kilimanjaro which I think was just as fitting. Somewhere in this area, at the top of the mountain, the stone rests. I guess this is the end of the story of the black sapphire for me, but will probably continue
on for a couple of generations through Kelly's future family. I sure hope it does......

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