



Friday, March 25, 2011

A fun shoot...

I got a call day before yesterday from client I have had for years on the Industrial side of the fence. I have produced images for him for years, generally of manufactureing goods used in the production of oil and gas. He had a client in Texas that wanted to buy a milling machine for use in his company. Two issues appeared that needed to be solved.

1. The client was in Texas and was very busy and couldn't get to Tulsa to see the machine.
2. The machine had to be moved, no later than today if possible.

I got the call Wednesday afternoon asking if I could deliver a video to the client via the net so he could see the machine operate and HEAR it run. By hearing the sound of the machine the client could judge it's status. I took the job.

We arrived at the shop housing the machine and I set up for the shoot after asking questions about the machine and it's capabilities. With that covered we started. Finishing around 11:00 my client and I went to the studio for the editing. The editing process took about 2-3 hours and we prepared it for the net which takes time as you must compress the files. We went to lunch while the computer worked. Returning I downloaded it through another process and the video was viewed in Texas BEFORE the machine was moved.

I added no soundtrack or narration as it was unnecessary and would take time. The only sound that was needed was the sound of the Machine. My client has 4 or 5 more machines he needs to have done....I love my job.

To watch the video click the Union HBM on the right of the page.

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