



Monday, October 3, 2011

Maple Leaf Portraits !

Time is passing so quickly that I seem to be constantly on the run. Sunday was a classic example. We went to Edmond OK to celebrate our sons 40th birthday and it hit me. Next year on October 1st, Morgan Studio will be 40 years old. Like the grateful Dead said "What a long strange trip it's been." I would have NEVER anticipated the career that has evolved, or that it's lasted so long.I have been the recipient of a totally fabulous,challenging, fun career.

This is not to say that it hasn't been an up and down trip. Economic challenges, gas wars,faulty economies, good times, friends, professional upgrades, and the constant wanna be's that get into the mix. It has all just in reflection, made it a good time.

One of the most visible constants has been the "One Shot" special that I started as an extension of the One Shots I did with a local preschool starting around 1976. We started the first ones during Maple Leaf week. The morning class would be one day, the afternoon class another. On the Friday before the "Big Game" at the high school and the Parade the next day, we would have families meet me at the preschool for one shots with them. Out of nowhere it became a tradition. You can go into virtually any home and there will probably be a one shot image with my name on it. What a great time.

The tradition continues on Sunday October 16th. Meet me at 401 Belle Air, just off of Grand Avenue, on the northside, and we will be set up for the One Shots again.
The badckground is fabulous with maple trees, pine trees,hedge,and weather worn fencing. We will start photographing at 10:00 in the morning and quit at 4:00. I'm sending out mailings with the pricing in a few days so if you don't receive one call me and I'll forward one to you. As usual the portrait packages are ordered and paid for on the day of the shoot and you should receive them in approximately
10 days.I'll upload a few images tomorrow....hope to see you there.

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