



Friday, August 11, 2017

The eclipse....again....

Week after next we will be in for a real treat with the solar eclipse. I remember the one in the 80's which, although wasn't total, made the birds get crazy, traffic to pull over and stop, and everyone look around with a smile on their face. I'm looking forward to it with controlled abandon. It will obviously be the last I see in this lifetime unless I travel to one. Not likely. I have some pictorial plans laid out and it will be fun to see if I can pull them off. The time of the eclipse is only around two minutes so I'll have to do some preplanning as to the layout of my accessories that will be part of the shadow show. If I can pull my idea off it will be pretty amazing, know what they say..Only the Shadow knows for sure......and he ain't tellin'. Tune in later to see if I was successful.

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