



Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Interview Part 2

My interview was aired this morning and it was very good...thank God for editing. Dick took about an hour and a half interview and edited it into a 20 minute segment and quite frankly did a great job of making my rambling sound like I had good sense. Of course that has always been in question ....I've been able to bluff well. I'm sorry that I seem to have neglected the Blog but I have been very busy with new business, and clients. I had a great time last week photographing the introduction party of "119 Downtown" a building of Historical significance that is poised for repurposing as Residential Lofts. I will be doing the interior imagery soon and will post some of them here. The project is amazing. Outside of the building was a spotlight opening up the heavens overhead and that brought back memories from my childhood in Missouri in the 50's.

I was 9 or 10 and there was a spotlight searching the sky one night as we looked toward town. We had never seen anything like it and the family piled into the car and headed to town. Bear in mind that things were simpler then, we may have just gotten our first Black and White TV. As we approached the center of town, it was a "square" as it had the county Courthouse in the center, the light seemed to reach up from that area. NO it was from the East side !! As we drove to that side we ran into what had to be the first traffic jam I had ever been in. Cars were everywhere!!! Located on the East side of the square was the Fox theater.......and it was playing "I Married the Monster from Outer Space." I guess we were to believe they were searching for more space ships. The searchlight got the town out and all of the kids saw the movie............and knew from that night on, the monsters were in the dark basements, closets with slightly open doors at night, and always under their beds.

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