



Monday, September 18, 2017

The assignment on Saturday went very well....and opened my eyes..

Saturday I met with my client to photograph the dispersal of necessities for homeless Vets. I was amazed at the number of men and women from the nonprofits that gathered to give the items to the people in need. It was like an army almost. It whole process was set in motion by the Vets signing up and then processing from station to station gathering the necessities they needed. Items ranged from socks and underwear to coats and hats. They were all also given backpacks and a large duffle to hold all of the items.

It really knocked me down that these are men and women many of which are living on the streets in alleys, right of ways along bridges, and vacant buildings. These people are some of our military veterans that have hit extremely hard times through different circumstances. Their physical conditions varied from not too good to absolutely rough. I did make one contact while there that is local and I will approach him to see if they have a need for my photographic services to advance the cause. After seeing what I did this last weekend  I now realize that we ALL need to do more for our Vets.

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