



Monday, July 26, 2010

Ya only go around once...

Great week end !!!! Members of  "The Class of "68" turn 60 this year and a bunch of us got together to mark the notch in the handle. What a Hoot and Holler...!!!!! It's amazing that we have lived this long and are only 16 years old.

If you are anything like me, I've had lingering questions for years over images from my minds eye that have just seemed to nag at me on occasion. Probably the two most pressing over the years have concerned two individuals whose paths in life have passed through mine. I don't know why, but these images/thoughts have been with me for years.

I can remember being outside waiting for my ride home from Miss Tilly's Kindergarten and I have had frozen in my mind the image of a kid, my age with a tan and brown eyes, looking back at me, background out of focus. For years I thought it was Tom Loydd, a classmate of mine through high school. But he didn't go to Miss Tilly's , so that left me confused as to who was looking back at me.

After I opened my studio in 1972, a couple of Lawyers moved to town, Tom Williams and his wife, Mickey. They had to have moved to Carthage after 1975 as they rented my old office as I had purchased the building down the street. We became friends and in later conversations Tom told me that we had been at Miss Tilly's together, but he went to school in Sarcoxie Mo, 10 miles down the road. It was him !! One question solved.

At the birthday party the last question was solved. We had a classmate that had grown up in Brazil, the son of Missionaries. His parents wanted him to experience his Senior Year in Carthage so he became a member of our Class. I remembered his name and face, but had lost track of him the minute we graduated. He was at the Birthday, looked the same -maybe looked like he was 19....but he was there. After graduation he went to William Jewel College and went to work in K.C. Because of different family obligations or work situations he was NEVER able to be at any of the other reunions we had had in the past. BUT HE GOT TO THIS ONE !!! We spent some time catching up and it was fabulous, second question solved. I'll post some pictures tomorrow for grins....Yee Hawww....quality time with friends, nothing like it and so special I don't think we will ever be able to replicate was just drop dead fun.

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