



Sunday, December 12, 2010

When you can't something productive.

Every now and then I am stuck in a thinking mode and it is always at night. I got to bed about ten last night and was wide awake at 1:30. No reason to waste the time so I started thinking about marketing the studio. I have just come off two events that were VERY successful and I'm planning a new special for February. The name of the game is to continually expand your market with new clients and keep the old at the same time. About three it came to me and I got up and wrote the idea down. I can't tell you how many ideas I've lost in the fodder of sleep after being enlightened with the "Great Idea'. I now get up and write them down after I develop them.

I'm also trying to become engaged with a group that needs a videographer/blogger/still camera guy, that can travel well, roll with the punches, and do what he says he can. I know I'm the guy they need....I just have to convince them. I've shown them my hand, now I hope they see all the aces in it.

Over the last several days I have been reviewing some of my China images from 1987, when I was there for a month with Kodak. I thought I'd add them to the blog today because they have special meaning for me. It was an amazing time and I saw a part of the world, that up until that time, I never thought I would. Enjoy

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