



Monday, June 28, 2010

Back in the saddle again

I can't tell you how good it is to be back in the office. After what seemed like eternity, but having a good time, the nose gets back to the grindstone. Tonight I'm picking out my new stationary along with the coloring of my logo which I had in the early 70's. I feel as though it is a personal necessity to return to that logo as it has a connection with a very successful past and I am comfortable with the design. It doesn't seem plausible to fix something that isn't broken.......perhaps to the chagrin of the advertising people.

I have a set idea for the colors of the stationary half baked into my mind but I may just go with the color logo on white paper stock.....I'll let you know tomorrow. Also will be researching companies to do business with tonight. I have downloaded the information from a source that is good, inexpensive, and tells me everything I need to know about a company and who to contact. The calling to set up appointments will start tomorrow.

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